Galindo Law Camp Lejeune ATTORNEYS
We are dedicated to protecting an individual’s rights and getting justice for veterans who developed serious illnesses caused by serving in the military
If you or a family member served (or lived) at the Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune in North Carolina from August 1, 1953, to December 31, 1987, you may have developed a serious illness from drinking polluted water. The drinking water at Camp Lejeune was contaminated with toxins at concentrations from 240 to 3,400 times the levels permitted by safety standards.

CAMP LEJEUNE Diseases and illnesses
Diseases and illnesses associated with drinking the contaminated water at Camp Lejeune include:
Adult leukemia
Aplastic anemia and other myelodysplastic syndromes
Bladder cancer
Kidney cancer
Liver cancer
Multiple myeloma
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Parkinson’s disease
Renal toxicity
Female infertility
If you have proof of service at Camp Lejeune, and a current diagnosis of one of the conditions listed above, you may be able to receive financial compensation from the newly created Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022.
The Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022 permits military personnel and families to pursue financial compensation for illnesses and injuries they believe were caused by contaminated water at Camp Lejeune.
Because tort law can be adversarial by nature, we recommend that you work with an experienced attorney to help you and your family understand your rights and to help you receive fair and complete compensation for your suffering.
Contact Galindo Law today so we can help you by calling 888-980-1808 or click here to email us.
Galindo Law does not charge any upfront or out-of-pocket fees. We are only paid a percentage of the settlement we are able to secure. Therefore, working with Galindo Law incurs zero financial risk for military personnel and families who have been affected by Camp Lejeune's contaminated water. Call us now toll-free at 888-980-1808.